We think of fruit primarily as something to eat. But fruit has a purpose quite apart from our needs. Fruit is part of a flowering plant. It’s the part that carries the seeds. The purpose of fruit is to protect a plant’s seeds and help them get spread about. Wind and water spread seeds. So do animals when they eat fruit and drop the seeds. The seeds grow into new plants. There are two main types of fruit: fleshy and dry. Fleshy fruits are soft and juicy, the way we usually think of fruits. Peaches, plums, and apples are all fleshy fruits. Dry fruits are thin and hard. Grains like wheat and rice, or nuts like chestnuts or almonds, are dry fruits. .


  • A strawberry isn't an actual berry, but a banana is.>
  • >
  • Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
  • Apples, peaches and raspberries are all members of the rose family.
  • Oranges are not even in the top ten list of common foods when it comes to vitamin C levels.
  • The World's Most Popular Fruit is the TOMATO.
  • Coffee beans aren't beans. They are fruit pits.
  • Bananas are slightly radioactive.
  • Drinking grapefruit while taking medication can cause instant overdose and death.
  • Square Watermelons are grown by japanese farmers for easier stack and store.
  • This is a content section.

    if i could only wish for one thing i would take the smile that U bring where ever U go in this world i'll come along.
