Welcome to Just for Muslim Ladies

Payments Options

Place offfer easy and convinient mode of payment what our custormer needs to do is fill the our form to select your favourite product and make payment in our nationwide shops and your choosen product will be deliver to you prior to your information that we received .

Don't bother about Cash...

Just for Muslim ladies offer easy (cash and cashless) and convenient mode of payment options:

1.Please fill the form below after you select your favourite choice(s) and make payment at the undelisted banks (in the table of comment while filling the form ,state bank's branch,teller number ,sort code of the bank if known, state your products code and amount you have paid).

2.Please fill the form below after you select your favourite choice(s) and make payment through internet banking.

3.Send e-mail stating bank's name and branch where payment is made, teller number ,sort code of the bank if known, state your products code and amount you have paid to info@Just for Muslim Ladies.com

4.Send an email if you have paid and we package your product before your arrival (mail stating bank's name and branch where payment is made, teller number,sort code of the bank if known, state your products code and amount you have paid to info@Just for Muslim Ladies.com)

5.For home delvery (send mail stating bank's name and branch where payment is made, teller number, sort code of the bank if known, state your products code and amount you have paid to info@Just for Muslim Ladies@com ).Terms and conditions applies.

Just for Muslim Ladies Product Order Form

First Name: Last Name:


Shipping Address:

